Anita Cheung October 13, 2010 Step 1: Assess your situation
Experience: While I was abroad, I traveled around to different countries by planes, trains and boats. When I was in Paris, a volcano erupted in Iceland causing ashes to be dispersed into the atmosphere and thus preventing any air traffic. My friends and I were essentially stuck in Paris, which was not a bad place to be stuck in but nonetheless we had to pay for another night at the hostel and our trip to Barcelona was canceled. I remembered specifically how all bus tickets were jacked up and tourists (mainly Americans) were panicking. I also remembered how little I cared about getting back home to Wales. I allowed my friends to figure out a plan to get home. I was too busy thinking about the rest of the day, enjoying Paris and hopefully going to Paris Disneyland. My carefree, all-things-will-work-out-in-the-end attitude made some people laugh and others very upset. Now, I am trying to picture how I would react if a volcano exploded near the states.
Research: So, with a little research I found out that there are two active volcanoes in the states, Mount St. Helen in Washington and Mount Shasta in California. Let’s say these two volcanoes erupted and completely wiped out the population of both Washington and California. With a little more research, Washington has the population of (estimate from 2009) 6,664,195 people. California has a population of 36,961,664 people. The total population in USA is 307,006,550. With a little quick math, wiping out the state of California and Washington would eliminate 43, 625, 859 people leaving the total to be 263, 380, 691.
Situation: Let’s say that each state has one deadly wiper-outer, volcano, earthquake, flood etc. It takes one full day for the disaster to occur, taking out all the inhabitants of the state. The disasters begin on the west coast and end on the east coast. So, in less than two months, the states would be wiped out. What would you do? What would I do?
Assess: I would head home from Geneva after saying goodbye to everyone I love here because it’s probably the last time I will see him or her. I would pack exactly one suitcase and hitch a ride home or worst case, greyhound. Once I get home, I will decide with my family what to do next. The logical thing to do would be to move, right?
- Nothing in pockets at the moment, few hundred dollars in my purse.
- Since I don’t much on a daily basis, packing should be a breeze.
- Tools I would want- cell phone, flashlight, chargers, adaptor for Europe and iPod and toiletries. Clothes would be jackets, sweats (if I die, I am dying comfortably).
Strengths- not high maintenance, rational (sort of), logical (sort of), can walk long distances, caring for others, love to build and construct things?
Weaknesses- picky eater, really hate grass to the point where I am afraid, very city-like. Really dislike taking orders normally but I do sometimes. I like to take charge or situations.
Survival Skills- Great packer, I can fit a lot in a very little compartment. Up for challenges- helping doctors or police. Very caring- cannot turn away from someone or something in need of help, if I can’t help then I will find someone who can. Not afraid of dying. I believe everything happens for a reason, so if my situation occurs, then there’s a reason why.
Pictures and/ or video to come.